The environment in which CPAs operate is changing at a rapid pace.

The environment in which CPAs operate is changing at a rapid pace.
Has your job disappeared like the wife in Gone Girl?
Unemployment compensation is fully taxable. Are you prepared?
When I lost my soulmate in 2019, CentralOffice had to go on hold while I got my life back together.
STRESS IS A KILLER Ask any doctor. That heart attack, those kidney stones, that depression, those headaches, even blurred vision among so many other things all have a contributing factor, stress. A pandemic not only stresses your body physically from the virus, but...
Developing the strategic plan for the future.
… what are you working so hard for anyway?
… what system should I use to track my income and expenses?
Many people believe their main problem is they need more money
Rockin’ Entrepreneur — aka Independent Contractor, Business Person, Writer, Musician, Freelancer, etc., etc. Welcome to the Roaring ‘20s There are already thousands of you out there making it rain (that’s sales talk, not weather-related). You may wake up every...